The Links between Mental and Physical Health

The Insync Insurance Podcast Podcast


The links between mental and physical health

I recently had the opportunity to join a podcast for an interview with Dr Michaela Thomas, Senior Clinical Psychologist & CBT Psychotherapist, where I discussed a range of fascinating topics in clinical health, pain management, and neuropsychology. We explored some of the most common questions people have about the brain, including debunking myths like the “10 percent brain usage” theory. We also dove into important distinctions between ADHD, neurodivergence, and giftedness.

During the conversation, we discussed the science behind synaptic growth, neuroplasticity, and how our unique experiences shape the way our brains function. I shared insights on how we can maintain brain health by adopting good habits, managing stress, and embracing novelty for cognitive growth.

A big part of the discussion focused on the significance of compassion when facing personal challenges and how understanding our own neurological makeup can help us foster better mental health. It was an enlightening conversation, and I’m excited to share these insights with you!

You can listen to this audio version of this podcast here, or on Spotify here.

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