Healthy Mind Psychology:
A Different Kind
of Therapy

Healthy Mind Psychology:
A Different Kind
of Therapy

If you feel like you’ve tried everything, try us.

At Healthy Mind Psychology we understand how to treat the holistic health of the mind and body. We know the most popular therapies don’t work the same way for every individual, so we’re here to show you how our method of psychology can be different. Explore our six pillars that support the Healthy Mind Psychology ethos.

{ Specialities }

Clinical psychology

Do you experience depression, anxiety, or thoughts that make it difficult to get through the day? You’re not alone. We can help you understand your thoughts and emotions, and how they affect your life.

Health Psychology

Breathing difficulties, unusual physical sensations or discomfort, sensory changes, or worry about potential health conditions can take a toll on you. We work with you to manage these symptoms following diagnosis, during treatment, through remission, or even when more serious medical conditions have been ruled out.

Pain Management Psychology

Chronic pain conditions only get worse when your mood and mindset focus on that pain. To help you manage the repercussions of chronic pain to your body and lifestyle, we teach you how to break the cycle of the influence of the mind on body symptoms so you can finally feel relief.


Life after brain injury can bring challenges that can make you feel frustrated or broken. We can assess your mind health and work with your medical team to help you optimise your thinking and lifestyle.

{ What our patients Say }

“Not only do I get a scientific reasoning with my therapist, I also get a very logical explanation to my emotions and we work through it together. I have been with Healthy Mind Psychology for 18 months and the experience has helped me understand my challenges so I can begin to move forward.”

Patient Seen For: Nocioplastic Chronic Back Pain

Match with a therapist who can help you on your path to a healthy mind for a healthy body.

Meet the Team »

Discover the Value of a Healthy Mind

Restore your confidence in the ability to make it through life’s challenges, no matter what variables are thrown your way. Contact our team today to schedule a virtual or in-person session.

{ As Seen In }

I news paper

(Click the logos to read the full article)

{ Awards and Recognitions }

2023 Best Holistic Neurorehabilitation Provider – South East England

2024 Mental Health Awards Programme

2024/25 London and South East England Psychology Clinic of the Year

{ Mindful Education }

{ Book of the Month }

Well-Read: AMBER’S Book of the Month

Dr Amber Johnston, owner of Healthy Mind Psychology, has curated her favorite resources on how a healthy mind creates a healthy body.

Dive In »


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{ Professional Bodies }